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Advisory Committee

What are CTE Advisory Committees?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) advisory committees advise, assist and provide support and advocacy for quality CTE programs. Advisory committee members are business/ industry volunteers representing occupational areas that have feeder programs taught in our public schools.

Members have the opportunity to learn more about the CTE program and instructors are able to increase their understanding of the job market, employers' needs, and community opportunities.
CTE advisory committees:

  • Provide information to update, modify, expand, and improve the quality of programs
    Support and strengthen the partnerships between business, labor, the community, and education
  • Work with students and educators to support real-world experiences and applications
  • Make recommendations that strengthen and expand the CTE curriculum, and provide assistance in implementing these recommendations
  • Identify and validate academic and occupational competencies, determine priorities, and review and evaluate programs
  • Communicate long-term goals and objectives of the CTE programs to students, parents/guardians, employers, and the community